Why pursue a career in Technology
There has never been a better time to pursue a career in technology. Over the next few decades, there will not be an industry that will not be transformed by technology in some way – many dramatically. The sector is varied and with plenty of job openings and high salaries, technology positions make attractive careers. They are also growing. You will be able to work in any company, any sector and in any country or region. It is a very flexible career option and one that is sought after by all firms. If you have the skills and interest – then go and study computer science or a technology related degree or pursue an IT related apprenticeship, of which there are many.
Every company in every sector relies on technology and for many it is central and critical to their success. Take for example financial services – the banks owe their competitiveness to the quality and originality of their technology. For the large retail companies – their online presence is increasingly important and for some it’s their only channel to market. In addition, the whole supply chain, linking suppliers to shops is a key competitive advantage and the efficiency of the process is based on their technology.
There is a view that the whole area of health will be transformed by technology being implemented in homes and hospitals allowing greater personalization. New industries and approaches are being transformed due to the power of digital technology and specifically the ability to connect people easily, thereby bringing down geographical barriers.
Digital technology allows companies to move quickly and be more agile, often meaning that start ups grow rapidly and easily, leaving their larger but slower moving competitors behind them. Technology therefore could be a great expertise to have if you wanted to start your own business.
There is also an increasingly demand for IT consultancy – using your skills and knowledge to advise other firms on their IT strategy and implementation. This allows you to stay more of a generalist rather than getting too niche.
What are some of the possible careers in technology?
- Software Engineer/developer: These out-of-the-box thinkers design, test, maintain and improve applications and operating-system software. A growing number of start-ups and increasing tech complexity means there is a high demand.
- Computer systems engineer/analyst: A systems engineer will combine a knowledge of maths, science and electronics with creative thinking to devise computer systems in areas as diverse as science, healthcare, banking and finance.
- Web Developer: skilled web designers are highly prized and are in high demand across all industries
- Information Security Analyst: These analysts are tasked with staying ahead of cyberattacks and keeping company data and systems secure.
- Network Engineer: A network engineer works on the network infrastructure of an organisation, building and configuring strong firewalls, troubleshooting outages and scheduling upgrades.
- Games Developer: A trendy and fun job. Creativity and imagination are important. Opportunities are available in design, art, animation, programming and audio.
- Software/computer Programmer: they create software to run our computers.
- IT Manager: IT managers guide companies to match modern technology to their business structure, needs and goals. They also keep an eye on budgets, timescales and standards and understand the needs of their clients.
- Database administrator: Database administrators learn analysis and design skills on the job and build business databases to specifications. Information has to be safe, regularly backed up, organised for ease-of-use and subject to certain permissions and privileges.

View Work Experience Opportunities
PWC – Roles in Audit, Tax, Deals, Technology and Consulting
Anywhere -
PWC – Flying Start Degree Programmes
Anywhere -
Science & Technology Facilities Council -work placements
Science & Technology Facilities CouncilUK Wide -
RSM – 3 month Internship
RSMAnywhere -
Rolls Royce – work experience programmes
Rolls RoyceUK Wide -
PWC – Insight weeks
PWCUK Wide -
Prime – Work Experience
PrimeUK-wide -
Morgan Stanley – Work Experience Programme
Morgan StanleyLondon -
Lockheed Martin – Work Experience
Lockheed MartinHavant, Whiteley, London and Ampthill -
J P Morgan – Work Experience Programmes
J P MorganLondon & Bournemouth -
HSBC – work experience week
GSK -Work Experience Placements in R&D, IT and Lab based
GSKBrentford, Herts, Essex -
Cap Gemini – Work Experience Programme
Cap GeminiLondon -
Boots – Work Inspiration
BootsNottingham -
BBC – work experience in TV, Radio, News and business support
BBCLondon, Manchester, Scotland, Wales