Listed are all the barristers chambers offering pupillages. These are normally 12 months in length. Most chambers are small and only offer 1 or 2 pupillages. Gaining a pupillage is extremely competitive.
Available Opportunities
Hardwicke Pupillage
HardwickeLondon- Graduate Scheme
Hardwicke. They offer up to 2 twelve month pupillage’s. Pupillage at Hardwicke is split into three periods of four months. During each period you will be assigned to a pupil supervisor and also two ‘wingers’, members of Chambers for whom you will do a set number of pieces of work. Your first six will be […]
25 Bedford Row Pupillage
25 Bedford RowLondon- Graduate Scheme
25 Bedford Row. Every pupil will be placed with a different pupil supervisor for two six-month periods, thereby enabling you to be involved with as broad a range of work as possible. They specialise in Crime, Environmental, Extradition, General Fraud, Human Rights, Public Inquiries, International Criminal Law, Prison Law, Regulatory & Discipline, Terrorism, White Collar […]
11 KBW Pupillage
11 KBWLondon- Graduate Scheme
11 KBW. They offer two or three pupillages each year. Pupillage is divided into three parts, each of which is with a different pupil supervisor. During the first part, you will be based almost exclusively with your pupil supervisor. In the second part you will work with a wider range of tenants. This expands in […]
1 Kings Bench Walk Pupillage
1 Kings Bench WalkLondon- Graduate Scheme
1 Kings Bench Walk. They specialise in Family work of all kinds, and have a strong Criminal team too. They offer two 12-month funded pupillages each year. The first six months (non-practising) are divided between two pupil-supervisors, and the second six months (practising period) is spent with a third. At 1 King’s Bench Walk, you […]
Tanfield Chambers Pupillage
Tanfield ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Tanfield Chambers. They take on 2 or 3 pupils each year. Pupillage at Tanfield Chambers is divided into three periods of four months each with different pupil supervisors. The aim is to introduce you to each of the core practice areas in chambers, giving you experience of court work and the opportunity to work with […]
Government Legal Service (GLS) Training Contract
Government Legal Service (GLS)London, Leeds & Manchester- Graduate Scheme
Government Legal Service (GLS): GLS lawyers work for just one client – the Government of the day – which requires advice and support on a huge range of domestic and European affairs. The diversity of work reflects the wide range of activities within Government. These range across issues of national and international significance and across […]
College Chambers Pupillage
College ChambersHampshire- Graduate Scheme
College Chambers. During the second six months of pupillage, you will have the opportunity to take on work in your own right. Practice areas include Family Law, Civil Law and Criminal Law.
St Johns Chambers Pupillage
St John’s ChambersBristol- Graduate Scheme
St Johns Chambers. Based in Bristol. They have the following practice groups: Commercial & Chancery, Family, Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence, Employment, Public and Administrative Law and Crime & Regulatory. A pupil supervisor is assigned to every pupil. Irrespective of any intended specialisation in pupillage, you will be required to develop and practise common law drafting […]
36 Group Pupillage
36 GroupLondon- Graduate Scheme
36 Group. They offer two pupillages each year. They are offered for a full 12 months. You will have two six–month pupil supervisors, covering different areas of practice. They specialise in Crime, Family, Agriculture & Environment, Employment, Public Law, Civil Litigation, International, Local Authorities and Corporate Manslaughter.
Exchange Chambers Pupillage
Exchange ChambersLeeds, Liverpool & Manchester- Graduate Scheme
Exchange Chambers. They will likely be offering at least one pupillage, specialising in common-law work or in commercial/chancery work. They are based in Liverpool.
Brick Court Chambers Pupillage
Brick Court ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Brick Court Chambers. They normally take 4 or 5 pupils each year. They place a lot of importance on their assessed mini-pupillage and you will not be considered without one. Brick Court Chambers’ pupillages are offered for 12 months. Each pupil is assigned to three or four different pupil supervisors during the year. All pupils […]
Old Square Chambers Pupillage
Old Square ChambersBristol & London- Graduate Scheme
Old Square Chambers. They have offices in Bristol and London and you choose where you wish to be based. You will experience a wide variety of work in different practice areas and have the opportunity to work closely with senior juniors and silks on complex and sometimes high profile cases. Practice areas include; employment and […]
Littleton Chambers Pupillage
Littleton ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Littleton Chambers. They are a long-established civil set, specialising in employment and commercial litigation. Over the 12-month period you have three months with four different supervisors. After the first six months of your pupillage, you will be eligible to take on your own work. Typically, pupils in Littleton Chambers have been briefed once or twice […]
Radcliffe Chambers Pupillage
Radcliffe ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Radcliffe Chambers. They offer one pupillage a year. You may anticipate having up to four pupil supervisors during the pupillage and will see a wide range of traditional and commercial Chancery work, both advisory and in court. During your second six, you are likely to have the opportunity to undertake your own court work. Practice […]
Farrars Building Pupillage
Farrar’s BuildingLondon- Graduate Scheme
Farrars Building. Two 12-month pupillages are offered. They are organised in three four-month periods. The second four months is dedicated to assisting you to make the transition from non-practicing to practicing. During this period you will be in court with junior members of chambers. Specialist practice areas include: Personal Injury, Commercial & Insurance, Employment, Professional […]
St Philips Barristers Pupillage
St Philips BarristersBirmingham & Leeds- Graduate Scheme
St Philips Barristers. During the first six months, you will gain experience in the work of most if not all of the practice groups. During the second six, you will be very busy with your own work in the Magistrates, Crown and County Courts. Their practice areas include: Commercial, Crime, Personal Injury, Employment, family, Property, […]
One Essex Court Pupillage
One Essex CourtLondon- Graduate Scheme
One Essex Court. They offer four pupillages per year. Pupils typically spend two periods of three months each with two different pupil supervisors during the first six and sit with a third pupil supervisor during the second six. They cover a vast array of practice areas.
Blackstone Chambers Pupillage
Blackstone ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Blackstone Chambers. As a pupil at Blackstone Chambers, you will have four pupil supervisors through the year. Pupil supervisors are chosen to ensure that you get a solid grounding in the three core areas of Chambers’ work – commercial, employment, and public law. Beyond that core, you will experience your supervisors’ particular areas of expertise. […]
4 New Square Pupillage
4 New SquareLondon- Graduate Scheme
4 New Square. A pupillage at 4 New Square will give you an insight into what it is like to practise in a leading commercial set of chambers. They have a strong reputation for insurance work, professional negligence, construction, product liability, financial services commercial litigation, international arbitration, sports law and public law. You will be […]
Keating Chambers Pupillage
Keating ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Keating Chambers. They offer three 12-month pupillages. Pupils are normally allocated four supervisors in the course of their 12-month pupillage. This ensures that each pupil sees a variety of work of differing levels of complexity within Chambers. Keating Chambers specialises in construction, technology and related professional negligence disputes. These disputes often relate to high-profile projects […]
XXIV Old Buildings Pupillage
XXIV Old BuildingsLondon- Graduate Scheme
XXIV Old Buildings. They offer up to 2 12-month pupillages every year. They aim to provide you with thorough training in all aspects of their work. You are likely to have four pupil masters and will usually spend three months with each of them. You will also have the opportunity to see other members’ practices […]
Wilberforce Chambers Pupillage
Wilberforce ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Wilberforce Chambers. They offer two 12-month pupillages each year. Pupils can expect to sit with at least 2 different pupil supervisors within their first 6 months. Practice areas include: Arbitration, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Company, Financial Services, Insolvency, IP & IT, International & Offshore, Pensions, Private Client, Professional Liability, Property and Regulatory. Salary is particularly […]
Serle Court Chambers Pupillage
Serle Court ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Serle Court Chambers. They recruit two pupils each year. Each pupil is assigned to 4 supervisors, each with a different area of practice, in the course of the year. You spend the whole of the 12 month period of pupillage shadowing members of chambers, rather than taking on work in their own name. They offer […]
QEB Pupillage
QEBLondon- Graduate Scheme
QEB. There are up to 3 pupillages offered each year. A pupillage at QEB is divided into three four-month periods each spent with a different supervisor. You share a room with your supervisor. After six months you become eligible to take on court work in his or her own right. QEB is one of the […]
Hailsham Chambers Pupillage
Hailsham ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Hailsham Chambers. They offer two funded 12-month pupillages every year. You will experience the broad range of Chambers’ work and during your second six months will have the opportunity to appear in court in your own right. Their practice areas include: Professional Negligence, Medical Law, Regulatory & Discipline, Costs, PI, Commercial, Insurance, Employment and Arbitration […]
South Square Pupillage
South SquareLondon- Graduate Scheme
South Square. They offer 2 pupillages each year. The core practice areas include: Insolvency and restructuring, Banking, financial services and regulation, Company law and corporate finance, Commercial litigation and business disputes, Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.
Atkin Chambers Pupillage
Atkin ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Atkin Chambers. They offer two 12 month pupillages each year, fully funded to the value of c£72k. They specialise in construction, engineering & Infrastructure, energy & natural resources, IT & telecommunications, professional negligence and shipbuilding.
Nexus Chambers Pupillage
Nexus ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Nexus Chambers. They offer two 12 month pupillages commencing April and October.
Fountain Court Chambers Pupillage
Fountain Court ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Fountain Court Chambers. Pupils spend the first three and last three months with the same pupil supervisor (who has overall responsibility for seeing that you are getting proper experience) and the middle six months with two different pupil supervisors. You will be called upon to do specific pieces of work for other members of chambers, […]
Quadrant Chambers Pupillage
Quadrant ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Quadrant Chambers. They offer 3 pupillages per year. Quadrant holds a pre-eminent international position in all aspects of the shipping and aviation sectors. In addition they provide expertise in Banking & Finance, Commercial Litigation, Sports & Media and Mediation. During pupillage you will see the full range of Chambers’ work in addition to the particular […]
Ten Old Square Pupillage
Ten Old SquareLondon- Graduate Scheme
Ten Old Square. They offer one pupillage each year. Pupillage is usually divided into four periods of three months and is structured so as to provide you with experience of all Chambers’ practice areas. You can expect to sit with at least four members of chambers during your time. During the second six months, there […]
Enterprise Chambers Pupillage
Enterprise ChambersBristol, London, Leeds & Newcastle- Graduate Scheme
Enterprise Chambers. They offer one 12-month pupillage per year. They aim to ensure that you see the full range of Chambers’ areas of practice and you will normally sit with four pupil supervisors over the 12-month period. Practice areas include; Commercial Chancery, Company, General Chancery, Insolvency, International/Offshore, Landlord & Tenant, Professional negligence, Real Property, Regulatory […]
7 Bedford Row Pupillage
7 Bedford RowLondon- Graduate Scheme
7 Bedford Row. As a pupil, you will have three pupil supervisors, each one for four months in different areas of practice. They give you as broad an experience as posible and provide a reasonable balance between criminal, civil and family work. The first four months of pupillage will introduce you to civil work, the […]
Cornerstone Barristers Pupillage
Cornerstone BarristersBirmingham, Cardiff & London- Graduate Scheme
Cornerstone Barristers. The 12 month pupillage is normally divided into three periods, each of four months duration. During your first six months, you will make regular trips to Public Inquiries, the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court with members of the set. In your second six, you will be in Court […]
1 Hare Court Pupillage
1 Hare CourtLondon- Graduate Scheme
1 Hare Court. They offer twelve-month pupillages each year. Pupillage at 1 Hare Court is divided into three periods of four months, each spent with a different pupil supervisor. The work you see will include high profile, high value matrimonial cases, often with an international element. You will also receive a comprehensive introduction to private […]
20 Essex Pupillage
20 EssexLondon- Graduate Scheme
20 Essex. They offer 4 pupillages each year. You need to have completed a mini pupillage before being considered. They specialise in Commercial Law, Arbitration, Constitutional Law and Human Rights, EU and Competition Law, Private International Law, Public International Law.
7 KBW Pupillage
7 KBWLondon- Graduate Scheme
7 KBW. They offer four 12-month pupillages. You will normally be attached to one pupil supervisor for at least the first two months of pupillage and will be involved in every aspect of your practice. You will then change pupil supervisor about every two months or so for the remaining time as a pupil. The […]
Henderson Chambers Pupillage
Henderson ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Henderson Chambers. They offer up to two 12-month pupillage’s each year. You spend three months with four different pupillage supervisors. In your second six, you will be expected to undertake court work in your own name, and they encourage pupils to take cases for the Free Representation Unit (FRU). Pupils are typically instructed in possession […]
9 Gough Square Pupillage
9 Gough SquareLondon- Graduate Scheme
9 Gough Square. As a pupil, you will spend 3 periods of 4 months with different pupil supervisors. You will gain good all round exposure to the different types of work undertaken by Chambers. They believe a balanced pupillage is essential and that specialisation should only take place after a few years’ experience. You will […]
Maitland Chambers Pupillage
Maitland ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Maitland Chambers. Maitland is generally recognised as a leading set of chambers in the field of Chancery commercial litigation. Their major appeal lies in the combination of high quality instructions they receive, their breadth of the work and the volume of advocacy they do. They are instructed in a huge range of cases, ranging from […]
4-5 Grays Inn Square Pupillage
4-5 Greys Inn SquareLondon- Graduate Scheme
4-5 Grays Inn Square. They normally offer 2 or 3 twelve-month pupillages. You will receive a thorough training in the full range of Chambers’ work during your pupillage. During the first nine months of pupillage, you will generally be assigned to three different pupil supervisors, for periods of three months each. The final three months […]
39 Essex Chambers Pupillage
39 Essex ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
39 Essex Chambers. They offer three 12-month pupillages each year. Their practice areas include; Administrative & Public, Commercial, Common, Construction, Costs, Energy, Environmental & Planning, Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence, Regulatory & Disciplinary, ADR and International.
4 Pump Court Pupillage
4 Pump CourtLondon- Graduate Scheme
4 Pump Court. They usually offer two pupillages a year. Pupillage at 4 Pump Court involves working with three pupil supervisors: the first two for 3 month periods and the third for the final six months. In the second six months you will spend a significant proportion of your time in the County Courts. You […]
Carmelite Chambers Pupillage
Carmelite ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Carmelite Chambers. Carmelite Chambers offers 2-3 pupillage’s with possible extension to Third Six. They undertake exclusively criminal defence work. You will have a different supervisor for each three month period in order to ensure maximum exposure to different types of work and advocacy style. During your first six months you will experience a wide range […]
Monckton Chambers Pupillage
Monckton ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Monckton Chambers. Typically two pupillages are offered each year. Monckton specialise in European, public and commercial law. The focus of much of their work is the relationship between, companies and individuals and the power of the State. Members of Chambers practice in a number of different areas of the law, but the same essential question […]
Selborne Chambers Pupillage
Selborne ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Selborne Chambers. They offer two 12-month pupillages in any given year. You will undertake a structured pupillage encompassing all principal practice areas. It is envisaged that you will spend time with 3 or 4 pupil supervisors, each with varying types of practice. You can expect regular court appearances and instructions in your own right during […]
Crown Office Chambers Pupillage
Crown Office ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
Crown Office Chambers. They offer up to 3 pupillages per year, which give you an opportunity to experience work across the range of chambers’ practice areas. In your second six you will have plenty of opportunities to appear in Court in your own right: from day one of your second six you can expect to […]
Five Stone Buildings Pupillage
Five Stone BuildingsLondon- Graduate Scheme
Five Stone Buildings. They take on up to 2 pupils each year. Pupils sit with at least three supervisors. Much of their work focuses on private client issues. Typical cases include questions of personal taxation, the law of wills and estates, trusts, and real property, as well as the negligence of professionals acting or advising […]
Pump Court Tax Chambers Pupillage
Pump Court Tax ChambersLondon, Swindon & Winchester- Graduate Scheme
Pump Court Tax Chambers. They offer two pupillages each year. They are the largest Tax set. During the first six months you’ll have at least three pupil supervisors and will see most aspects of Chambers’ work. You should expect to be sitting in on conferences with clients, attending the tax tribunals and appellate courts, and […]
New Square Chambers Pupillage
New Square ChambersLondon- Graduate Scheme
New Square Chambers. They offer two 12-month pupillages. They specialise as advisers and advocates in the following main areas: Commercial Chancery; Company and Insolvency; Property; Trusts and Estates; Tax; Public Law and Offshore work.
Landmark Chambers Pupillage
LandmarkBirmingham & London- Graduate Scheme
Landmark Chambers. They offer up to three pupillages a year, each of 12 months duration. Your pupillage is divided into four 3 month seats with each seat spent with a different supervisor. Wherever possible they take into consideration any interests that you might have in a particular area of law. In your second six months […]
Francis Taylor Building Pupillage
Francis Taylor BuildingLondon- Graduate Scheme
Francis Taylor Building. Each year they seek to recruit two graduates to undertake a twelve month pupillage in Chambers. The twelve-month period is divided equally between three different pupil supervisors. In your second six months, you are also able to accept instructions to undertake work of your own. In recent years the second-six pupils have […]
12 Kings Bench Walk Pupillage
12 Kings Bench WalkLondon- Graduate Scheme
12 Kings Bench Walk. Pupils generally have three or four pupil supervisors throughout the year. You can expect to see a broad range of civil work, in particular in the fields of personal injury, clinical negligence and professional negligence, employment law, and insurance. In the first six months of your pupillage the majority of your […]
No 5 Chambers Pupillage
No 5 ChambersBirmingham, Bristol, London & Leicester- Graduate Scheme
No 5 Chambers. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, London and Leicester. They offer two 12-month funded pupillages every year. You will spend most of the first three months with your pupil supervisor. Frequent visits to courts and tribunals, sitting in on conferences, legal research and the drafting of statements of case and opinions are the features […]
1 Crown Office Row Pupillage
1 Crown Office RowLondon & Manchester- Graduate Scheme
1 Crown Office Row. They offer up to two 12-month pupillages. The pupillage is divided between two pupil supervisors, each supervising you for six months. In addition, pupils are encouraged to travel to court with, and to do paperwork for, other members of Chambers. The role and duties of a pupil include reading papers, drafting […]