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Another of the major suppliers of psychometric tests for employers is Cubiks.

The Cubiks Ability tests are made up of two groups of test batteries: The Cubiks Reasoning Tests for Business and The Cubiks Problem Solving Tests.

The Cubiks Reasoning Tests for Business, as the name implies, are geared towards higher positions in the business world. This series includes a Numerical Reasoning test, a Verbal Reasoning test and a Diagrammatic Reasoning test. Each of these tests has various levels of difficulty depending on the position being applied for.

The Cubiks Problem Solving Tests are used for a more diverse range of non-managerial positions from Engineering to Secretarial jobs. They include a Numerical and Verbal Reasoning test.

Other tests made by Cubiks include: The Cubiks Situational Judgement Test (SJQ), The Cubiks E-Tray Assessment, The Cubiks Team Role Questionnaire and The Personality and Preference InventoryCubiks Test (PAPI).

Here are some of the companies that use Cubik’s test services: KPMG, PwC, Arcadis, Corporate Solutions, Skoda, DHL.

Get hold of Cubiks specific practice tests HERE

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