Berwin Leighton Paisner -Career Kick Start
BLPis an international law firm, that provides legal services to well-known brands including; Tesco, National Grid, AIG and The Financial Times. They offer a Career-Kick Start Work Experience Programme which is designed to provide year 12 students with a detailed insight into what it is like to work in a City law firm and in in-house legal roles.
The programme comprises 2 weeks of activities, as follows:
Week One:-A week at BLP offices, gaining a real insight into what lawyers do on a daily basis via work shadowing as well as information on the different routes in to the profession and a number of skills sessions to help prepare you for the world of work.
Week Two:A week visiting a different company each day across a variety of sectors ‚ including sports, financial services and media. During this week you will learn how law firms interact with their clients and the different roles for lawyers in these companies.
Who BLP is looking for
Career Kick-Start was inspired by the PRIME initiative and is also part of the Legal Social Mobility Partnership (LSMP), with the aim of providing fair access to quality work experience in law firms for young people.
To be eligible for a place on the scheme:
- You must be a student in year 12;
- Attend a state school i.e. not fee paying;
- should be of the first generation in their immediate family to attend universityand/or
- be eligible or have been eligible for free school meals
How to apply
The schemewill take place over two weeks: 13-17 February 2017 and 24-28 July 2017. Please click here to complete an application form. Please only apply if you can participate in both weeks of the programme. Applications close at 11.59pm on Sunday 20 November 2016.
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To apply for this job please visit track.studentladder.co.uk.