Public sector firms include government departments as well other public enterprises. They offer a number of opportunities across business and technology.
Many of the organisations within the public sector, require you to complete online tests before they will consider your CV. Make sure you practice before hand.
Need Help With Online Assessments?
JobTestPrep: The assessment company is a vital factor that you need to take into consideration when preparing for aptitude testing. A Numerical Reasoning test from a company like SHL.
Available Opportunities
HM Treasury GES Industrial Placement
HM Treasury GESLondon -
Defence Science & Technology Laboratory Industrial Placement
Defence Science & Technology LaboratoryLondon -
Interpol Industrial Placement
InterpolLondon & Lyon (France) -
Met Office Industrial Placement
Met OfficeUK-wide -
Working for an MP Industrial Placement
Working for an MPUK-wide -
European Union Industrial Placement
European UnionLondon, Brussels & Luxembourg -
GCHQ Industrial Placement