Most practices offer 2-year training contracts comprising 4 seat rotations of 6 months each. Its competitive. They vary in their specialities, so if you are interested in a particular area such as corporate finance or family, you need to identify and only apply to those who offer this discipline. Most firms sponsor you through your GDL and LPC.
Be aware that many law firms employ critical thinking tests as part of their recruitment process. A popular one is the Watson Glaser.
Need Help With Online Assessments?
Be aware that many law firms employ critical thinking tests as part of their recruitment process. A popular one is the Watson Glaser. Practice these tests HERE
Available Opportunities
Stevens & Bolton Training Contract
Stevens & BoltonGuildford -
Ashfords Training Contract
AshfordsBristol, Exeter, London, Plymouth & Taunton -
Watson Farley & Williams Training Contract
Watson Farley & WilliamsLondon -
Mayer Brown Training Contract
Mayer BrownLondon -
Bevan Brittan Training Contract
Bevan BrittanBristol, Birmingham, Leeds & London -
Squire Patton Boggs Training Contract
Squire Patton BoggsBirmingham, Leeds, London & Manchester -
Allen & Overy Training Contract
Allen & OveryLondon -
Addleshaw Goddard Training Contract
Addleshaw GoddardLondon, Leeds & Manchester -
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Training Contract
Freshfields Bruckhaus DeringerLondon -
Pinsent Masons Training Contract
Pinsent MasonsUK-wide -
Pannone Training Contract
PannoneLondon & Manchester -
Reed Smith Training Contract
Reed SmithLondon -
Sullivan & Cromwell Training Contract
Sullivan & CromwellLondon -
Debevoise & Plimpton Training Contract
Debevoise & PlimptonLondon -
Leathes Prior Training Contract
Leathes PriorNorwich -
Langleys Training Contract
LangleysYork & Lincoln -
King & Wood Mallesons Training Contract
King & Wood MallesonsLondon -
Womble Bond Dickinson Training Contract
Womble Bond DickinsonUK-wide -
Farrer & Co Training Contract
Farrer & CoLondon -
Sherman & Sterling Training Contract
Sherman & SterlingLondon -
Holman Fenwick Willan Training Contract
Holman Fenwick WillanLondon -
Osborne Clarke Training Contract
Osborne ClarkeLondon, Bristol & Reading -
Irwin Mitchell Training Contract
Irwin MitchellUK-wide -
Hill Dickinson Training Contract
Hill DickinsonChester, Liverpool, London, Manchester & Sheffield -
Herbert Smith Freehills Training Contract
Herbert Smith FreehillsLondon -
BLM Training Contract
BLMUK-wide -
Norton Rose Fulbright Training Contract
Norton Rose FulbrightLondon & Newcastle -
Eversheds Sutherland Training Contract
Eversheds SutherlandUK-wide -
Fletchers Training Contract
FletchersManchester & Southport -
Clifford Chance Training Contract
Clifford ChanceLondon -
PWC Training Contract
PWCUK-wide -
Shoosmiths Training Contract
ShoosmithsUK-wide -
Slaughter & May Training Contract
Slaughter & MayLondon -
Lexlaw Training Contract
LexlawLondon -
Gowling WLG Training Contract
Gowling WLGLondon -
Royds Withy King Training Contract
Royds Withy KingUK-wide -
Davis Polk Training Contract
Davis PolkLondon -
TLT Training Contract
TLTBristol, London & Northern Ireland -
Boodle Hatfield Training Contract
Boodle HatfieldLondon & Oxford -
Travers Smith Training Contract
Travers SmithLondon & Paris -
White & Case Training Contract
White & CaseLondon -
Kingsley Napley Training Contract
Kingsley NapleyLondon -
Hogan Lovells Training Contract
Hogan LovellsLondon -
SAS Daniel Training Contract
SAS DanielStockport, Macclesfield, Chester & Congleton -
RPC Training Contract
RPCBristol, London & Singapore -
Pennington Manches Training Contract
Pennington ManchesUK-wide -
Weil Training Contract
WeilLondon -
Veale Wasbrough Vizards Training Contract
Veale Wasbrough VizardsBristol, Birmingham, London & Watford -
Thomson Snell & Passmore Training Contract
Thomson Snell & PassmoreTunbridge Wells& Thames Gateway -
Winkworth Sherwood Training Contract
Winkworth SherwoodLondon -
DAC Beachcroft Training Contract
DAC BeachcroftUK-wide -
WilmerHale Training Contract
WilmerHaleLondon -
Shakespeare Martineau Training Contract
Shakespeare MartineauUK-wide -
DMH Stallards Training Contract
DMH StallardsLondon & Gatwick -
Locke Lord Training Contract
Locke LordLondon -
Macfarlanes Training Contract
MacfarlanesLondon -
FieldFisher Training Contract
FieldFisherLondon -
BDB Pitmans Training Contract
Bircham Dyson BellCambridge, London, Southampton & Reading -
Taylor Vinters Training Contract
Taylor VintersCambridge, London & Singapore -
Orrick Training Contract
OrrickLondon -
K&L Gates Training Contract
K&L GatesLondon -
Bristows Training Contract
BristowsLondon -
Kirkland & Ellis International Training Contract
Kirkland & Ellis InternationalLondon -
McDermott Will & Emery Training Contract
McDermott Will & EmeryLondon -
Taylor Wessing Training Contract
Taylor WessingCambridge, Liverpool & London -
Blandy & Blandy Training Contract
Blandy & BlandyHenley-on-Thames, Reading & London -
Dechert Training Contract
DechertLondon -
CMS Cameron McKenna Training Contract
CMS Cameron McKennaLondon -
Baker & Mckenzie Training Contract
Baker & MckenzieLondon -
Brethertons Training Contract
BrethertonsBanbury, Bicester, London & Rugby -
Jones Day Training Contract
Jones DayLondon -
Trowers & Hamlins Training Contract
Trowers & HamlinsLondon, Manchester & Exeter -
Linklaters Training Contract
LinklatersLondon -
Withersworldwide Training Contract
WithersworldwideLondon -
Collyer Bristow Training Contract
Collyer BristowLondon -
Rosenblatt Training Contract
RosenblattLondon -
Morgan Lewis & Bockius Training Contract
Morgan Lewis & BockiusLondon -
FootAnstey Training Contract
FootAnsteyUK-wide -
Ince & Co Training Contract
Ince & CoLondon -
Simmons & Simmons Training Contract
Simmons & SimmonsLondon & Bristol -
Brian Cave Leighton Paisner :Training Contract
Brian Cave Leighton Paisner (BCLP)London -
European Patent Office Training Contract
European Patent OfficeEuropean Countries -
Charles Russell Speechlys Training Contract
Charles Russell SpeechlysCheltenham, Guildford & London -
Field Seymour Parkes Training Contract
Field Seymour ParkesReading -
Clarkson Wright & Jakes Training Contract
Clarkson Wright & JakesOrpington -
Gibson Dunn Training Contract
Gibson DunnLondon & Munich -
Stephenson Harwood Training Contract
Stephenson HarwoodLondon -
Gordons Training Contract
GordonsLondon, Guildford -
Forsters Training Contract
ForstersLondon -
DWF Training Contract
DWFUK-wide -
Taylor Walton Training Contract
Taylor WaltonHarpenden, Luton & St Albans -
Kennedys Training Contract
KennedysUK-wide -
Morrison Foerster Training Contract
Morrison FoersterLondon -
SA Law Training Contract
SA LawLondon & St. Albans -
DLA Piper International Training Contract
DLA Piper InternationalUK-wide -
Clyde & Co Training Contract
Clyde & CoLondon & Guildford -
Skadden Training Contract
SkaddenLondon -
Weightmans Training Contract
WeightmansUK-wide -
Lathan & Watkins Training Contract
Lathan & WatkinsLondon