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Year 2 Internships

There are a number of valuable placements overseas. Be aware however that most charge for their services in setting these up

Available Opportunities

  • AISESEC Internships

    • 2nd Year Internships
    • AISESEC An association called AIESEC runs international internships from 6 weeks to 18 months. It’s a global organisation run by students. They are present in over 110 countries and territories and with over 60,000 members; AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, global volunteering, […]

  • Smart Intern China Internships Internships

    Smart Intern China Internships
    • 2nd Year Internships
    • Smart Intern China Internships. They have a number of internships and placements in Shanghai, Beijing and Taipei, across a range of businesses and sectors, including finance, IT and real estate. Internships are available from 1 month upwards. Each month is chargeable.

  • CRCC Asia Internships

    CRCC Asia
    China, Japan, S Korea, Vietnam, Manchester
    • 2nd Year Internships
    • CRCC Asia. They offer 1 to 3 month internships in Beijing, Tokyo, Shanghai or Shenzhen in China, Osaka, Ho Chi Minh City and Seoul as well as Manchester! . Internships are available in finance, law, IT, Marketing & PR and Green Technology and others. There is a cost for all internships. The China Internship Program […]

  • Go Abroad China Internships

    Go Abroad China
    • 2nd Year Internships
    • Go Abroad China. Go Abroad China has been an established and leading provider of paid internships in China since 2010. They partner with more than 600 established international and SME businesses in various cities in China with over 2000 internship opportunities to choose from, across all business sectors. They have attracted over 4000 talented undergraduates, […]

  • The Intern Group Internships

    The Intern Group
    • 2nd Year Internships
    • The Intern Group. Provide global internships across all continents and most industries. They have a range of partnership organisations across a diverse range of sectors. Costs vary depending on location. . Programmes are available all year round. Theywork with leading companies/NGOs/governments in all of the program destinations

  • Interpol Work Placement

    Lyon, France
    • 2nd Year Internships
    • Interpol (6-11 months). INTERPOL’s Internship Programme welcomes candidates from any member countries and provides them with: A better understanding of the Organization’s goals and objectives and how international police cooperation is organized; An insight into how an international organization operates; A framework to enhance their educational experience through practical work assignments, thereby developing skills which […]

  • IAESTE Internships

    • 2nd Year Internships
    • IAESTE The International Association of the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is a student exchange programme with over 80 countries worldwide. In the UK IAESTE is managed by The British Council with funding contributions from The Department of Business, Innovation & Skills, The Scottish and Welsh Government and The Department of Education, Northern […]

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