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Ministry of Defence: Defence Engineering & Science

The MOD civil service exists to enable, equip and support the three armed services in the delivery of defence capability. As a part of this, the Defence Engineering and Science Group (DESG) is a community of 13,000 professional engineers and scientists working within MOD civil service to equip and support the UK Armed Forces with state-of-the-art technology. They are the force behind the forces.

They look for graduates with degrees in Engineering, Computing, Maths, Physics or IT. They run a DESG graduate Scheme for such students. The scheme is tailored to individual development needs to ensure that you have the best possible preparation for your first professional post and your subsequent career in MOD Civil Service. The scheme will last for a maximum of 2 years (reduced for graduates with previous experience) and includes a range of in-house work placements, industry secondments and formal training courses.

DESG Technology

The Armed Forces increasingly depend on scientific and technological advances to maintain their ability to operate effectively. They need equipment and capabilities that give a technological edge over any potential opponent and keep the UK compatible with our Allies. DESG is responsible for delivering this.
Countering new types of threats as they emerge will be a key challenge to UK forces in the future. They therefore place a premium on the ability to generate and identify innovative technologies, adopt them for military use and integrate them rapidly into platforms, weapon systems and force structures.



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